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Press releases / pdf / 193.55 KB
Hydrogen fast track: OGE and RWE present national infrastructure concept “H₂ercules”
In order to speed up the process of building a German hydrogen industry and infrastructure, OGE and RWE jointly developed the national infrastructure concept called “H₂ercules”. The infrastructure is… set to connect electrolysers as well as storage and import facilities in the north of the country with industrial consumers in the west and south of Germany.

Press releases / pdf / 202.27 KB
OGE introduces competitive capacity marketing at selected storage connection points as of 1 April 2022
On 30 November 2021, OGE applied to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for the introduction of competitive capacity marketing for conditionally firm freely allocable capacities (bFZK) at selected …storage connection points.

Press releases / pdf / 506.71 KB
European Hydrogen Backbone initiative adds six new members and sets its agenda for 2022
Following today’s announcement, the EHB initiative is delighted to welcome six additional members: Amber Grid (Lithuania), Bulgartransgaz (Bulgaria), Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), Gassco (Norway), …Plinacro (Croatia), and REN (Portugal).