UMM – Urgent Market Messages
Never miss another important market update. Urgent Market Messages – individually filtered.
Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 (REMIT) imposes an obligation to disclose inside information. Open Grid Europe publishes the information in accordance with Article 4 (1) of EU Regulation 1227/2011 (Urgent Market Messages) to the best of its knowledge knowledge on a certified Insider Information Platform (IIP) as well as via the UMM tool and via RSS feed. The EEX Transparency Platform is used as IIP.

In addition, here you will also find simple “Market Messages”, which we believe contain information relevant to the market but do not qualify as UMMs.
We publish the updates in chronological order with the latest message at the beginning. In the user information you will find an overview of the various search options, which will help you to find the relevant messages quickly.
You can view an RSS feed with our Urgent Market Messages in the format prescribed by ACER here: ACER RSS
OGE publishes this information to the best of its knowledge. Nevertheless, it is explicitly noted that the description of the relevant factual circumstances can only be made in a very abbreviated form in a UMM. In case of doubt or queries, please do not hesitate to liaise directly with your contact at OGE.