Gas transmission


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Contract documents 

Terms and conditions

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 780.73 KB

Network access conditions, applicable from 1st October 2024

General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts (entry/exit system) version 14 (22.03.2024), applicable from 1st October 2024

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 907.69 KB

Comparison version of the network access conditions version 13.1/14

version 13.1 / version 14

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 536.89 KB

Network access conditions

General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts (entry/exit system) version 13.1 (12.08.2022), applicable from 1st October 2022

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 121.34 KB

Contractual minimum pressures and minimum temperatures at entry points

Valid for transports as of 01. October 2021 (German only)

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 56.83 KB

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH - Section 8 on separate process for bundled nominations (Section 12 (13) of Entry / Exit Contract) - Overview of bundled nomination pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 984/2013 at cross-border interconnection points.

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 502.15 KB

CBP (2014-001/01): Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination

CBP (2014-001/01): Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination: The following Common Business Practice (CBP) has been approved by EASEE-gas for use in gas business transactions across connection points and constitutes recommendations for the part of the process which relates specifically to (re-)nominations and involves shippers on one hand, and system operators on the other hand. This CBP reflects minimum requirements in line with the network codes in the areas referred to in Article 8(6) of the Regulation (EC) 715/20091. This CBP does not exclude additional provisions between individual parties

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 88.43 KB

Communication data sheet of Open Grid Europe

Price sheets

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 145.41 KB

Information on tariff and multipliers of Open Grid Europe GmbH

for the yearly product of the gas year 2024/2025

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 544.01 KB

Fees charged by Open Grid Europe GmbH at interconnection points according to Regulation (EU) 2017/459 in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area

Vaild from 01 January 2025, 06:00 a.m., until 01 January 2026, 06:00 a.m.

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 35.86 KB

Fees charged by Open Grid Europe GmbH at storage facilities in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area

Vaild from 01 January 2025, 06:00 a.m., until 01 January 2026, 06:00 a.m.

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / xlsx / 253.21 KB

Fees charged by Open Grid Europe GmbH according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout)

Vaild from 01 January 2025, 06:00 a.m., until 01 January 2026, 06:00 a.m.

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 384.96 KB

Information on tariff and multipliers of Open Grid Europe GmbH

for the yearly product of the gas year 2023/2024

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / pdf / 688.84 KB

Price Sheet of Open Grid Europe GmbH for entry and exit contracts as well as internal orders in accordance with Cooperation Agreement XIII.1 in the market area Trading Hub Europe GmbH

Valid for gas shipments from 1 January 2024

Price sheet, Network access natural gas/biogas / xlsx / 254.11 KB

Fees charged by Open Grid Europe GmbH according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout)

Valid from 01 January 2024, 06:00 a.m., until 01 January 2025, 06:00 a.m.

Price sheets that were valid before the current calendar year can be found in our media library.

Capacity requests

Form / pdf / 42.37 KB

Reservation request

Open Grid Europe offers its shippers a form for the efficient handling of enquiries pursuant to Section 38 GasNZV. The use of the form is intended to ensure that Open Grid Europe promptly obtains all information required to process your enquiry efficiently.

Form / pdf / 81.57 KB

Request for an individual assessment

We could not book firm capacities in line with an online-request / booking via PRISMA. Therefore, we request – with reference to Section 2 of Appendix 2 of the „General Terms & Conditions for the Entry/Exit Contracts (entry/exit system) as amended from time to time (hereinafter called „General Terms & Conditions“) – a binding individual capacity assessment including the following data

You will find further contract documents in our media library.

We strengthen market integration. Information on VIPs and the dual system. 

There is new information on the installation of virtual interconnection points pursuant to Art. 19 para. 9 of EU Regulation 2017/459 (NC CAM).

For a secure, high-quality supply of natural gas – now and in the future. 

Market areas currently supplied with L-gas are being converted to H-gas to meet the decline in L-gas availability.