Data Privacy Statement 

Welcome to our website. On this page you will find information on how we process your personal data when you visit our website.

We attach great importance to compliance with all applicable data protection rules and regulations, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679; also referred to as "GDPR"), which will come into full force and effect on 25 May 2018.

Name and address of controller

This website is operated by Open Grid Europe GmbH, Essen (hereinafter also referred to as "OGE" or "we"). OGE is solely responsible for all data processing operations associated with your visit, unless otherwise stated below.

Our contact address is:

Kallenbergstr. 5
45141 Essen (Germany)

For further information about our company, please refer to our Legal Notice.

Contract details of data protection officer

You can reach our company data protection officer here: Send message

Visiting and interacting on the website

Data processed: Whenever you visit our website, we will collect certain (mainly technical) information, which may, however, be classified by the courts as personal data. This information includes the IP address, device identification, browser features, operating system details, language settings, referring URLs, the duration of your visit and the pages displayed. If you use our contact forms or functions for contributions and comments, we will collect the data submitted by you and the time of data transmission. If you use the hydrogen supplier report, we process the contact information you provide as part of the report (company affiliation, logo, surname, first name, function in the company, address, e-mail address and telephone number).

Processing purposes: We will use the data submitted by you via the contact form and other forms to process your request and to initiate resulting improvements. Any information provided by you in connection with postings and comments features will be used to publish and process any questions you may have about the content. 

We use the data you provide when reporting your hydrogen offer to be able to contact you in case of queries within the framework of the validation process for the submitted offer. The following information is always published on the OGE website for hydrogen supply notifications: company name, e-mail address, link to the company website. The following information is only published in the hydrogen supply notification if the notification is voluntary: company logo and description of H2 activities and company description.

OGE has initiated HyCo Connect to report your CO2 transport needs or hydrogen requirements. With HyCo Connect, OGE provides a platform for network operators, hydrogen producers, companies with hydrogen demand and companies with CO2 transport requirements, on which companies and locations are recorded and digitised. You have the opportunity to independently enter and maintain your company and locations of hydrogen production and hydrogen demand or CO2 transport requirements on HyCo Connect so that we can jointly identify local networks and shape the transformation to the hydrogen economy. When reporting your CO2 transport demand or hydrogen demand on HyCo Connect, the HyCo Connect privacy policy applies, which you can find on HyCo Connect.

When using other information, we do not as a rule draw any conclusions about the data subject. This information is used to correctly deliver the contents of our website, to guard against cyber-attacks, for scientific research and statistical purposes, and to provide law enforcement authorities with the information required for prosecution in the event of a cyber-attack.

Legal basis of data processing: In part, the consent of data subjects; performance of a contract or steps taken prior to entering into a contract; compliance with a legal obligation of OGE; processing for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by OGE and third parties (cf. Article 6 para. 1 lit. (a) to (f) of the GDPR).

Any further statistical analysis of collected data will only take place after any reference to persons has been removed.

Pursued legitimate interests within the meaning of Article 6 para. 1 lit. (f) of the GDPR: Interest in operating a website; protecting our computer systems against attacks and optimising our website; tracking attacks on our computer systems.

Categories of recipients of personal data: The personal data mentioned in this section will only be disclosed to service providers for the operation of our website. Data submitted via the contact form and other forms will be forwarded to the persons needed / responsible for answering such enquiries. As a matter of principle, your personal data will only be passed on with your express consent. Exceptions to this are cases in which OGE is obliged to disclose your data due to legal provisions or by enforceable official or judicial order (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO).

No data transfer to recipients in unsafe third countries: OGE does not intend to transfer the personal data mentioned in this section to recipients in unsafe third countries (e.g. on the basis of standard contractual clauses).

Storage period: The aforementioned personal data will generally be stored for a period of seven days, after which the data will be rendered anonymous or be deleted. This does not include data that (i) is still needed to investigate or track a cyber-attack or (ii) must be stored further in accordance with a legal or statutory retention obligation. We plan to keep the data you submit via the contact form and other forms for a period of two years, after which the data will be deleted. We plan to retain personal data provided by you via the hydrogen supplier report for a period of three years after the end of publication on our website and to delete it thereafter.

Obligation to provide personal data: The provision of the aforementioned personal data by you is neither required by law nor by any contractual agreements. Processing restrictions can restrict the use of some of our website functions.

No automated decision making (profiling): The above personal data will not be used to automatically make decisions that have a legal effect on you or significantly affect you in a similar way.

Google Services

We use Google services on our website. The operator is Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as "Google").

When Google services are used, the data collected may be transmitted, stored and used by Google and other group companies in the USA – including but not limited to Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter also referred to as "Google"). This entails the risk, for example, that your data may be subject to extensive access by security authorities.

Third country transfer: Where data is processed outside the EU/EEA and there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have agreed EU standard contractual clauses [] with the service provider to establish an appropriate level of data protection. The parent company of Google Ireland, Google LLC, is based in California, USA. A transfer of data to the USA and access by US authorities to the data stored by Google cannot be ruled out. The USA is currently considered a third country from a data protection perspective, and you do not have the same rights there as within the EU/EEA. You may not have any legal remedies against access by authorities.

Google Analytics

Currently our collaboration with Google in relation to the components “Google Analytics 4” and “Google Tag Manager”, which are described in more detail below, is based on the contract for commissioned processing provided by Google pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR (available at: Within the scope of this agreement, Google is entitled to engage subcontractors. A list of these subcontractors is available at

Scope of processing: Google Analytics 4 and Universal use cookies to help analyse how you use our web pages. The information collected by means of the cookies about your use of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

For Google Analytics 4, the pseudonymisation of IP addresses is activated by default. Due to IP pseudonymisation, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. According to Google, the IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

During your website visit, your user behaviour is recorded in the form of "events". Events can be: Page views, first visit and repeat visits to the website, start of session, your "click path" - interaction with the website, scrolls to the end of the page, clicks on external links, internal search queries, interaction with videos, file downloads, language settings.

The following is also recorded: Your approximate location, your IP address in shortened form, technical information about your browser and the terminal devices you use, your internet service provider, the referrer URL.

Processing purposes: On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, and compiling reports on website activity. The reports provided by Google Analytics are used to analyse the performance of our website and the success of our marketing campaigns (conversion measurement).

The purpose of the Google Analytics components is our legitimate interest in analysing the flows of visitors to our website and measuring its reach (purpose pursuant to Article 6.1 (f) of the GDPR). The use of Google Analytics also takes place on the basis of your express consent (Article 6.1 (a) of the GDPR). The granting of consent is voluntary. You can revoke your consent at any time in the cookie settings. The lawfulness of any processing carried out on the basis of consent before such revocation remains unaffected.

Google Analytics places statistics cookies on your computer. Please refer to the section on “Cookies” below for more information about cookies. The cookies allow the use of our website to be analysed. Each time you visit one of the pages of this website, the Internet browser on your computer is automatically prompted by the relevant Google Analytics component to transmit data to Google for the purpose of online analysis.

Revocation: You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by accessing the cookie settings via the link button at the beginning of this page and changing your selection there. Such revocation shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of the data processing carried out on the basis of the consent up until the revocation thereof.

You can also prevent the storage of cookies fr­om the outset by setting your browser software accordingly. However, if you configure your browser to reject all cookies, functionalities on this and other websites may be restricted. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google, and the processing of this data by Google, by

a. not giving your consent to the setting of the cookie or

b. downloading and installing the browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics  here.

Preventing the use of Google Analytics 4 as described above will have no influence on the usability of our website.

Further information on the terms of use of Google Analytics 4 and on data protection at Google can be found at and at

Storage period: The data sent by us and linked to cookies are automatically deleted after 2 months. Data whose retention period has been reached is automatically deleted once a month.

Google Tag Manager

We also use the Google service “Google Tag Manager”.

Google Tag Manager allows us to manage the analytics tools (such as Google Analytics 4) via one standardised application. The Tag Manager manages the so-called tags assigned to the respective analytics tool. Tags are code elements that are built into the source text of our website for the use of tracking and analysis tools such as Google Analytics 4. With the help of the Google Tag Manager, we are able to manage the tags required for use of the tracking and analytics tools in a uniform manner and thus to save computing and programming power.

If and to the extent that personal data is processed via the Google Tag Manager, this processing is based on our legitimate interest in the efficient management of tags/analytics tools used by us (Article 6.1 (f) of the GDPR).

Further information on the Google Tag Manager can be found on the following Google web pages: Terms of use:: and FAQs:

LinkedIn Insight Tag

The OGE website uses the “LinkedIn Insight Tag”, a conversion tool from LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (“LinkedIn”). In the web browser you are using, the tool creates a statistics cookie that records your IP address, page views, referrer URL and device and browser properties, among other things. There is an explanation of what cookies are in the following section. The collection of data is encrypted and is anonymised within a week. After 90 days, the previously anonymised data is deleted. OGE does not receive any kind of personal data from LinkedIn as part of this process. Information on the website audience and ad performance are provided by LinkedIn in the form of anonymised reports. In addition, OGE has the option to activate relevant ads for you outside of the OGE website, as facilitated by the LinkedIn Insight Tag Retargeting. You will remain anonymous during this process. Further information on this is available in LinkedIn’s data privacy policy at You can prevent LinkedIn from analysing your user behaviour and block the display of interest-based recommendations by going to

Registered LinkedIn users can manage the use of their personal data in their account settings. There is an option to deactivate the Insight Tag via the following link:

Use of cookies and processing of the data gathered via the LinkedIn Insight Tag takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest in the analysis, optimisation and reach measurement of our internet representation (Article 6.1 (f) of the GDPR). Such use also takes place on the basis of your express consent (Article 6.1 (a) of the GDPR). The granting of consent is voluntary. You can revoke your consent at any time in the cookie settings. The lawfulness of any processing carried out on the basis of consent before such revocation remains unaffected. 


This website uses cookies. Cookies are text files which are stored on a computer system via an Internet browser.

Numerous websites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a so-called cookie ID. A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a string of characters through which Internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific Internet browser in which the cookie was stored. This enables the visited websites and servers to distinguish the individual browser of the data subject from other Internet browsers that contain other cookies. A particular Internet browser can be recognised and identified by its unique cookie ID.

We use cookies to ensure the functionality of our website (Article 6.1 (f) of the GDPR). If (third-party) cookies serve for the analysis and evaluation of user behaviour (“tracking”), then their usage is based on your consent (Article 6.1 (a) of the GDPR).

No personal data from the cookies is transmitted to any recipients unless otherwise stated in this data privacy statement.

You may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies by our website in the cookie settings on our website or by adjusting the settings on your Internet browser accordingly and thus permanently object to the use of cookies. Moreover, cookies already placed on your computer can be deleted at any time using your Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all common internet browsers. However, if you choose to disable the use of cookies in your Internet browser, you may not be able to use all functions of our website. The latter only applies for non-essential cookies, i.e. those that are necessary for the correct delivery of the website.

We plan to store the aforementioned data for a period of 10 years and to delete it afterwards.

There are no intentions to transfer data to third countries outside the European Economic Area (with the exception of Google Analytics' cookies – as outlined above).

We use the following cookies for the purposes specified in each case with the expiration dates specified in each case:

Cookie designationPurpose Expiry date
Neos_SessionWeb server session cookieSession
cookieConsentAcceptedCookie storing the user’s consent to the use of cookies3 months
cookieConsentCookie storing the user’s settings for the use of cookies 3 months
ARRAffinityCookie on the Windows Azure cloud platform for load balancingSession
_ga GoogleAnalytics cookie to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website2 years
_gidGoogleAnalytics Cookie distinguishes anonymous users1 day



Unique identifier for the Adobe Experience Cloud 180 days
li_oatml Cookie identifies LinkedIn members outside of LinkedIn for promotional and analytical purposes outside of the designated countries and, for a limited time, for promotional purposes as well in the designated countries30 days
lang Cookies remembers language setting of a userSession
_gcl_au Cookies is used by Google Analytics to understand how users iteract with website and ads3 months
lidcCookies optimises the data center selection 1 day
mbox Cookie is used by Adobe Target to analyse relevance of online content180 days
lisscCookie ensures that all cookies in this browser are using the same SameSite attribute1 year
ELOQUA Cookies is used by ELOQUA for tracking purposes 2 years
spectroscopyIdCookies is used to detect malicious activities via browser extensions7 days
VIDID is assigned to visitors of a LinkedIn microsite to determine conversions for lead generation pusposes1 year
liap Cookie is used by domains without the addition "www" to show the login status of a member1 year



Cookie indicates for Adobe Experience Cloud when a session has startedSession
SIDCookie to determine a visitor's actions before conversion on a LinkedIn micrositeSession
UserMatchHistoryCookie to synchronise the IDs of LinkedIn Ads30 days
_guidCookie to identify a LinkedIn member for advertising via Google Ads90 days
sdscSigned context cookie for the data service, which is used for database routing and should ensure cross-database consistency in ca­se of changesSession
bcookieCookie is a browser identifier that is used to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn in order to detect misuse of the platform2 years
_ga M8915HMTS9Used to maintain session status.2 years
_gac_gb_ M8915HMTS9Contains campaign-related information. If Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts are linked, this cookie will be read by Google Ads website conversion tags unless you disable it.90 days

A "Session" ends when you close your browser.


On our website, there is an option to sign up to a newsletter. We use our newsletter to provide you with regular information about press releases on our website and/or to send you our Policy Letter/ Policy Impulse (with current topics and background reports on energy policy and the energy industry). For this purpose, we store and use your e-mail address. In addition, when you register for the newsletter, the IP address of the computer system being used at the time of registration as well as the date and the time of registration are recorded. 

After registration for the newsletter, you will receive an e-mail in which you need to re-confirm your registration to the newsletter via a link (“confirm registration” – so-called “double opt-in procedure”). This confirmation e-mail serves to check whether the owner of the e-mail address did actually authorise receipt of the newsletter. 

The processing of your data and delivery of the newsletter to the e-mail address you supplied takes place on the basis of your express and voluntary consent (Article 6.1 (a) of the GDPR). The aforementioned data collection is necessary, in order to be able to track potential misuse of the e-mail address and thus takes place on the basis of the statutory provisions of Article 6.1 (f) of the GDPR. It is possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter subscription at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the relevant newsletter e-mail. This also constitutes a revocation of consent to the storage of personal data collected during the registration process. The lawfulness of any processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to such revocation remains unaffected.

Newsletter tracking  

The newsletters contain a so-called “tracking pixel”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrieved from the server of our mailing service provider, when the newsletter is opened. As part of this retrieval, technical information, such as information on the browser and your system as well as your IP address and the place and time of the retrieval, is initially recorded.  

We use this information to improve our newsletter. For this purpose we evaluate not only the abovementioned technical data but also click rates and users’ reading behaviour. This analysis also includes determining whether or not the newsletter was actually opened and which links in the newsletter were clicked on. This information is assigned to the individual newsletter recipient and stored in profiles until its deletion. We use the analyses to identify the reading habits of our users and to adapt our content to them, or to send different content according to the interests of our users. 

The data processing operations relating to the newsletter tracking described take place on the basis of express and voluntary consent from the user  (Article 6.1 (a) of the GDPR). It is not possible to exclusively revoke consent to the storage of personal data in connection with newsletter tracking. If you wish to revoke your consent, please use the option to cancel the entire newsletter subscription at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the respective newsletter email. 

Deletion and limitation of data processing:
If you do not complete your registration, we will delete your data. If you unsubscribe from the newsletter, the stored profile details (e-mail address and optional details of company or press department) will be deleted. We store unsubscribed email addresses for up to three years on the basis of our legitimate interests, the purpose being to be able to prove that consent was originally given and/or to defend against possible claims. You may at any time request that your specific data be deleted, provided that the former existence of your consent is confirmed. We may store your e-mail address in a blocklist in order to permanently observe objections. 

Service provider

We use Brevo - Brevo - E-Mail-Versand- und Automatisierungsdienste. The service provider is Sendinblue GmbH, Köpenicker Str. 126, 10179 Berlin, Germany. We have signed an agreement with Sendinblue GmbH for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.

Use of social media links

We currently offer social media links from Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, kununu and YouTube.

By clicking on such links to third-party providers, your IP address and the page from which you clicked on the link are transmitted to the selected provider and stored there (e.g. US providers in the USA). If you do not then use any further offers from the linked third-party providers (e.g. by neither recommending nor linking to the page), nothing else will be transmitted from our website to the third-party provider. How you act on the following page with the respective third-party provider is entirely up to you.

We have no control over the data collected by third parties or data processing processes, nor are we aware of the full scope of the data collection, the processing purposes and the storage periods. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by the respective third-party provider can be found in the data protection declarations provided below. There you will also find further information on your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy.

Addresses of the respective providers and URL with their data protection information:

Your rights

Your rights, which OGE will be happy fulfil at your request, include the right to:

  • obtain information about your personal data;
  • have incorrect personal data about you corrected;
  • have your personal data deleted or restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • have the personal data concerning you transferred in a structured, common and machine-readable format to you or – as far as technically feasible – to a third party; or
  • object to the processing of your personal data if such processing is based on legitimate interests (Article 6.1 (c) and (f) of the GDPR).

Right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Withdrawal of consents: You have the right to withdraw a consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

No responsibility for links to other websites

We have no control over the Internet pages of other providers which are offered under other domain names. Insofar as our website refers to such third-party offers, we cannot accept any responsibility for the third party's handling of your personal data. Please contact the respective third party for further information.


Open Grid Europe GmbH

Data Protection Officer

Last revised: 07 August 2024