
A helping hand for your projects too: Our standards management. 

Operating a gas transmission system and ensuring consistently safe gas transmission requires the application of standards and technical rules. We make sure that our employees and interested partner companies can apply the current codes and standards at all times. 

Our online codes & standards information system NormA ensures the availability of documents for employees in the workplace and in the field. Where international, European or German standards require further substantiation, our Standards Management section develops our own company standards and guidelines in cooperation with other gas transmission network operators. This way, our employees and suppliers have specifications and instructions that are as precise as possible.

Partner companies and other contractors can also use our standards management system and ask us to order the latest codes and standards for them. Here, we can draw on decades of expertise and experience in cooperating with standardisation bodies (e.g. ISO, CEN, DIN, DVGW), publishers and issuers of standards, and with IT service providers and partners across the industry.

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Availability down to the last fibre

We help you utilise your dark fibre network

Effective corrosion protection

Keep your pipes rust-free

Discover the potential of your pipelines and systems

We appraise so you can supply safely