About us

There for you with decades of experience: OGE management.

Dr. Thomas Hüwener

(Born 1971)
Chairman of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH (CEO)
Focus: Strategy, Corporate Development, Network Planning, Customer Services and HR


Degree in mechanical engineering at Bochum Ruhr University and Texas A&M University, specialising in energy technology / systems and environmental engineering


1997, Research Assistant at the Institute of Turbomachinery of Essen University

2001, Joined E.ON Ruhrgas AG, section manager in Applications Development

2003, Section manager in Pipeline Technology

2004, Head of Pipeline Projects
Since then, memberships in international bodies of the gas industry

2006, Head of Pipeline Technology

2010, Head of Pipeline Technology Open Grid Europe GmbH, Essen

2013, Member of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH, responsible for the technical area

October 2013, Vice President, Gas, DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (German Gas and Water Industry Association)

July 2024, Chairman of the Management Board of Open Grid Europe GmbH

Detlef Brüggemeyer

(Born 1969)
Member of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH
Focus: Technology


Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences


1994 Design Engineer at Mannesmann Demag Verdichter, later Siemens AG

2003 Project Manager for Rotating Equipment at E.ON Ruhrgas AG

2007 Head of Asset & Investment Department at E.ON Gastransport GmbH, later OGE

2013 Director of Network Planning & Control at OGE

Juli 2024 Member of the Board of Management at OGE, responsible for the technical area

Dr. Frank Reiners

(Born 1968)
Member of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH
Focus: Finance, Purchasing and IT management


Studies and PhD, Business administration


1996, Research Assistant at  Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Chair of Accounting)

1999, Deutsche Telekom AG, various management roles in the areas of regulation and financial control / management accounting

2003, Vice President/Head of Controlling at E.ON Mitte AG, Kassel

2006, Senior Manager, Financial and Risk Controlling at E.ON Benelux Holding, Rotterdam

2010, Financial Director/Head of Controlling and Finance at E.ON Benelux Holding Rotterdam

2012, Vice President, Group Accounting and Controlling at E.ON SE, Düsseldorf

2014, CFO, Member of the Board of Management of E.ON Benelux Holding B.V.

2017, Senior Vice President/Head of Business Controlling, Uniper SE; Düsseldorf

February 2018, Joined Open Grid Europe GmbH as a member of the Board of Management (CFO)

Technical Manager

In accordance with Code of Practice G1000 of DVGW, the German of the Gas and Water Industry Association, we have appointed Dr Thomas Hüwener as Technical Manager. 

The Technical Manager supports the company independently in its technical self-administration and ensures a legally compliant structural and process organisation.

In Code of Practice G1000, DVGW has formulated the requirements for the qualification and organisation of the technical divisions.